The gio riverside

The gio riverside


  thegionet (28 views)

14 Dec 2024 09:10

[size= 14pt; font-family: Arial;" data-sheets-root="1"><span style="font-size: 14pt]The Gio Riverside la khu phuc hop chung cu can ho cao cap ket hop TMDV duoc phat trien boi Tap doan An Gia. Du an xay dung tren quy dat 3ha. So huu vi tri toa lac dac dia &ldquo;mat huong lo view song khong gioi han&rdquo; ngay tai mat tien duong DT16, cach duong Quoc lo 1A khoang 500m, du an co view song Dong Nai tuyet dep nam cach dia phan TP Thu Duc khoang 1km, The Gio Riverside thua huong nhieu tuyen duong giao thong huyet mach thuan tien ket noi giao thuong lien vung.
Website: [/size][size= 14pt; text-decoration-line: underline; text-decoration-skip-ink: none; color: #1155cc][/size][size= 14pt]
Hotline: 0909.18.86.18
Add: Mat tien Vanh Dai 3, P. Binh Thang, Thanh pho Di An, Tinh Binh Duong
#the_gio_riverside , #the_gio, #the_gio_di_an, #the_gio_riverside_di_an, #thegio_riverside_binh_duong, #can_ho_the_gio_riverside, #du_an the_gio_riverside[/size]</span>

The gio riverside

The gio riverside


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